Glenn Tucker


A December of Ages

Glenn TuckerComment

Reflecting on what has been my most diverse (and now that I look back, busiest) holiday gigging season to date, which somehow stacked my entire musical life alongside itself, namely:

DEC 4 Ann Arbor AGO concert with the Ann Arbor Boychoir, (my earliest musical training; I was a member from age 8 to 13) performing on pipe organ, (which I started playing at age 21) my Master’s audition piece (which I learned at age 22)

DEC 18 Concert with the Paul Keller Ensemble, performing with my first two jazz teachers, Sean Dobbins (whom I started with at age 11) and Paul Finkbeiner (age 12). Also performing were the first bandleader to hire me, Chris Smith (at age 15) and 3/5 of the Dusk Uptown band (my first record from age 16, featuring Keller, Finkbeiner, and Keith Kaminski).

DEC 8, 15, 17 Gigs with Kurt Krahnke, who I first played with at age 16

DEC 12 Baker’s Keyboard Lounge with Vincent Bowens, who I first played with there at age 17 (Kurt was on the gig). Vincent and I have talked about recording together in 2016!

DEC 13+20 My own Jazz Nativity program, which I started at age 23. Significant for a few reasons: futuristic music from the 30s and 40s, part of my journey towards effective promotion and production, and a rare gig where I was the oldest musician in the group!

DEC 5 My third annual appearance at Noel Night with Barbara Ware (ages 24-26)

DEC 19 A duo gig with George “Sax” Benson, with whom I recorded an album, “Dreamers” last spring (at age 25) which will be officially released February at Kerrytown Concert House. First gigged with George at age 21, and he is currently 86 and swingin as ever!

DEC 25 The first Tucker brothers Christmas concert in at least seven years! A tradition that dates back at least to age 9 I would say

DEC 2 My inaugural gig with Leonard King’s Oopapada, a group celebrating its 20th anniversary

And Looking Ahead:
DEC 3 Submitted my application to the Monk Institute at UCLA, where I’ve been selected to do a live audition in February

Rehearsals for road dates with Michael Henderson, Jean Carn, and the Dramatics in February

DEC 10+16 The first two gigs for a much-needed, already hope-inspiring outreach program expertly put together by Sarah D’Angelo

Looking forward to great things in 2016: the aforementioned Monk audition, road dates with Michael Henderson, the formal release of Dreamers, workshopping/recording the Imaginary Portraits solo piano record, etc. etc. Stay tuned!